Friday, November 7, 2008


Sorry for the lack of posts in the last few days, I have been busy with work stuff and I also volunteered my services at CBS4 on Tuesday night for Election Night. Which is the subject of this short post. 

I spent the first few hours of Tuesday night at the assignment desk in the newsroom, answering phones, connecting our on-site reporters to various directors and producers throughout the station, while also trying to keep track of the local school board races for our scrolling information on the bottom of our broadcast. 

I then got a chance after the election had been called, roughly 8pm Denver time, to go out with a reporter on site. We went to a Denver neighborhood in the five points area where a bar/club/cafe type place was hosting an Obama party. The crowd both inside and outside was cheering loudly and chanting. The excitement could be heard from down the street. The gathering of people was diverse, and seemed to all have different backgrounds. If I could have I would have liked to ask each person why they were there, because I can't imagine that an 80 year old african-american man would have had the same back story as the 25 year old dreadlocked white woman. But there they both were, celebrating, hugging, chanting, and dancing in the streets. It was a truly unique experience, that I won't soon forget. 

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